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Manual for Sustainable Return

Part II - Operational Guidelines - Institutional Rolesand Responsibilities

UNMIK Regional Administrations oversee the returns process in their area of responsibility. The Regional offices play a key role in providing a formal link between the Municipal Working Groups and the central coordination bodies, such as the Returns Coordination Group and the Task Force on Returns. Linkages are made "downward" by ensuring Municipal Administrations are kept abreast of policy developments and ensuring initiatives reflect guidelines and "upward" by ensuring prioritised returns needs and activities are communicated to relevant structures. As head of the Civil Administration in the Region, the Regional Administrator is chair of the Regional Working Group and responsible for formal oversight and coordination of the Municipal Working groups. The Regional Returns Units are primarily responsible for guiding and supporting the returns and integration efforts, while planning and operational activities are led by the Municipal Administration.

Responsibilities of the UNMIK Regional Administration:

1. Establish Regional Working Groups that convene regularly with full and active representation of all invited actors.
2. Chair the RWGs (with Regional Returns Units acting as secretariat to RWGs).
3. By receiving reports through the chairmanship, oversee and monitor the MWG to ensure they remain functioning and effective.

Responsibilities within the RWG:

1. Oversee and coordinate the work of MWGs within their Region.
2. Information-sharing forum on returns relatedissues.
3. Encourage active participation of all local and international actors in Municipal and Regional Working Groups, including NGOs.
4. Monitor and ensure regularity and suitability of returns activities (such as GIVs, GSVs) undertaken within each Municipality.
5. Coordinate and maintain lists of endorsed prioritised returns projects seeking support and communicate this to the central Returns Coordination Group.
6. Ensure the endorsed projects reflect the principles of the UNMIK concept paper on The Right to Sustainable Returns, the Manual on Sustainable Return, and any other document which provides guiding principles on return activities.
7. Ensure community integration and dialogue activities are undertaken to provide an environment conducive to returns.


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